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You know their name: but what's the game?

By: MiriNovember 27, 2023No Comments
You may recall, a few months ago, the papers were buzzing with the news that "Madeleine McCann had been found" […]

I promised we would go there and we will...

By: MiriNovember 21, 2023No Comments
A few articles ago, I alluded to the fact that I had pilfered my article's title from another, far more […]

Well, it had to happen

By: MiriNovember 16, 2023No Comments
After seriously entertaining more or less the whole splendid compendium of 'conspiracy theory' out there, from aliens (are they real?) […]

To discover the truth, discover the Overton Window...

By: MiriNovember 12, 2023No Comments
Then defenestrate yourself through it, board it up, and run a long way away from it forever. For those who […]

Latest letter to local schools' immunisation team

By: MiriOctober 27, 2023No Comments
(For previous correspondence, please see here.) Dear Locala, On the 19h September, you wrote to us to address our request […]

Healthy self? Heal thy self

By: MiriOctober 23, 2023No Comments
The subject of health has been on my mind a lot recently, not because there's anything wrong with mine (at […]

A different kind of culture war

By: MiriOctober 16, 2023No Comments
When I was 14, I spent my Saturday mornings - along with my best friend and her two younger brothers […]

Testing times

By: MiriOctober 11, 2023No Comments
I'm not actually referring to the Israel-Palestine situation (although you can read my thoughts on that here), but to the […]

The law giveth and it taketh away

By: MiriOctober 5, 2023No Comments
Like most people reading this, I've had a variety of colourful, interesting, and occasionally unprintable 'spats' with a multiplicity of […]

Here comes the flood: all aboard the ARC

By: MiriOctober 1, 2023No Comments
The only previous time in the last three years that I have paid any significant attention to the so-called "home […]
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