The King's Fallen Brother and the Rise of King Baal

Written by: Miri
December 1, 2022

(This is part two of a three part series: please see part one here.)

For the last few years, there has been a general sense amongst those who are interested in such things that "the dominoes are starting to fall", insofar as shady celebrities and dubious public figures are being exposed for what they really are and "dealt with". People point to the sudden disappearance of previously prolific Tweeter, Tom Hanks, from the platform in 2020 (Hanks abruptly stopped Tweeting in May of that year, whilst rumours swirled that he had been arrested, or even killed, for his involvement in unconscionable activities involving children).

Meanwhile, Prince Andrew was revealed as having close, personal ties to paedophile sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, and his accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, a revelation that has left an indelible stain on the Royal Family, with Andrew effectively 'cancelled' as a working Royal. A once highly eligible and popular 'party prince', Andrew is now a social and professional pariah: a source of great shame and embarrassment to the world's most famous family.

And, finally, we have perhaps the most staggering expose of all - the fashion house Balenciaga, and its recent obscene promotional campaign involving explicit references to child pornography and sado-masochism involving children.

So, if it was not obvious in the lead up to the Balenciaga campaign, it should certainly be obvious now: these "revelations" are being delivered on purpose. The dominoes may indeed be falling, but for that to happen, someone has to set them up, and someone has to knock them down. Who is doing that? The very same people who allowed these individuals and organisations to ascend to prominence in the first place.

Balenciaga is a world-famous high fashion house over a century old. It directly employs well over 1,000 people, and deals with eye-wateringly large marketing budgets involving the best advertising and PR whizzes money can buy.

Do you think they released this campaign by mistake?

This campaign was dreamed up by top marketing executives on seven-figure salaries in the most exclusive boardrooms on Madison Avenue, and they knew exactly what impact it would have.

The references to child porn were not, after all, exactly subtle - they were as glaring and explicit and obvious as it is possible to be without actually breaking the law. Nobody involved in the production of this campaign expected the public not to notice them.

We were expected to notice them. We were expected to be horrified and aghast by them. We were expected to go after Balenciaga, demanding, "something must be done!"

Because all of this - Hanks (remember his face as Ricky Gervais gave his scathing speech at the Golden Globes?), Prince Andrew, Balenciaga - is all planned: all part of a carefully controlled demolition of our culture, and a necessary step to destroying a culture, is to reveal it as rotten and cancerous to its core. There is no more repulsive crime than child abuse, so that is what it is being revealed to us as being at the dark heart of our culture: that Hollywood is riddled with it. That the Royal Family is infected by it. That aspirational high-end cultural institutions like top fashion houses are plagued by it. And, of course (and has been long since known), it absolutely infests politics.

Once the average person truly realises what our society is really built on - institutions and individuals compromised in the worst possible ways - how are they going to react? They will react with fury and outrage and demand that these disgusting institutions are razed to the ground, the perpetrators annihilated, and the whole system done away with and replaced with something new.

This is the age-old political tactic, "the manufacture of consent", whereby social engineers are able to introduce their desired social changes by manipulating the public into believing they want them. It is the desire of the ruling classes to completely destroy the existing order and replace it with something new ("build back better" as they keep robotically incanting every time they get the chance), but it's very difficult for them to do this without majority consent, so they are in the process of revealing our existing order as so replusive, that nobody in their right mind would want to salvage it and everyone will cheer as it is burnt to the ground.

This "reveal" - the dominoes falling - is all being expertly controlled and stage-managed by those at the top of the power pyramid (just as all major world events are), which you can easily determine by asking the usual questions - why this, why now? The people and bodies mentioned in this article - Hollywood actors, Royals, top fashionistas - have been up to no good for decades, why are they only being exposed now? Why haven't their crimes just been routinely covered up, as they have been for years / decades / centuries? Why are some being exposed now, whilst others are still protected?

It's because it's all being managed and done in stages, in the way that will best serve the social controllers and their ultimate aims. They know that human psyches can only cope with so much scandal and stress at once, so they are leaking these shocking revelations strategically, one by one, not too much too fast. For instance, with Tom Hanks, there were only rumours. With Prince Andrew, it's obvious he kept very dubious company and was caught being overly-familiar with a teenage girl - but, as yet, he has not been convicted of any crime, and even were it proven true that he slept with his accuser, she was 17 at the time, which is over the age of consent in the UK. Obviously, a middle-aged man sleeping with a teenager is both inappropriate and creepy, and if she was forced into this, it's abhorrent and highly illegal - but by UK law, would not constitute paedophilia.

So all of this has had a very "limited hangout" feel to it - rumours, insinuations, and accusations, hinting strongly at what high-profile public figures really are, but not quite proving it. All those names on Epstein's flight log, but still nobody has been directly exposed and convicted of anything.

However: then we have Balenciaga. With everything up to that, there's a degree of plausible deniability. Prince Andrew denies ever sleeping with Virginia Guiffre, and so far, nobody has been able to prove unequivocally that he did. The actor Armie Hammer, grandson of the so-called "most Satanic man in the world", has been accused by a string of ex-partners of horrendous abuse up to and including cannibalism - but nobody has been able to prove anything and Hammer continues to live as a free man.

But there is no denying anything with the Balenciaga campaign, and there is not supposed to be. It explicitly depicts child abuse in a way that nobody can excuse or deny, and that is because the "great reveal" is gathering pace. The ruling classes know exactly how to manipulate the mass mind, and that to hit us with "too much too soon" would shut people down, so they've done it in stages, revealing gradually more and more, until the crescendo when they fully come out of the shadows and show us what our culture really is.

Note: in the Balenciaga campaign, they even make a point in one shot of spelling it Baalenciaga. You know, Baal, the transgendered devil-like deity said to be worshipped by the upper-class Satanists who rule the world. "Conspiracy theorists" have said for years that this is the "God" the ruling classes and ultra-wealthy worship, and now they are clearly confirming it (some have suggested that "Baal en ci aga" translates in some dialects as "Baal is the King").

More such confirmation is to come. I'd keep an eye on Andrew Tate (more on him in part three), a well-known figure in alternative circles for some time, who has now shot to mainstream prominence courtesy of an interview with Piers Morgan, where he very explicitly laid plain the facts of the Covid scam. Piers - most unusually for him - did not shout over Tate or start calling him names, he just calmly let him speak.

This is because "the great reveal" is meant to happen and big league players like Morgan are all in on it, and have been told when and how to start revealing the truth (or bits of it) to the masses (something I put to Morgan in my open letter, which was shared by thousands, including Matt Le Tissier, James Delingpole, and Bev Turner, and that he certainly read).

Andrew Tate has spoken recently of the ruling classes' credo, "revelation of the method", that they always have to tell us what they're doing to, in their eyes, absolve them of any karmic debt. If they tell us, and we don't stop them, that qualifies as our consent and so they are permitted to continue.

The reason Tate is especially fluent on this is that he - like all who rise to mainstream prominence - is in the club. Do you think there is any remote possibility he would have appeared, uncensored and unshouted at, on Piers Morgan if he wasn't? Nobody is given a prominent mainstream platform if they're not a controllable asset who's in the club - nobody.

The ruling classes have often revealed their plans more euphemistically and subtly in the past - through symbolism and coded messages, in Hollywood films particularly - but now they are being more overt and plain because as we build up to the apex of their revelations, they want to ensure absolutely nobody is left in any doubt.

So please expect the pace to pick up over the forthcoming months and years, with ever more shocking and scandalous revelations about some of the celebrities and institutions our culture holds most dear.

This begs the question, of course, of - once the exposure and subsequent destruction is complete - what comes next?

Please see part three of this series for an in-depth analysis of the next stage.

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12 comments on “The King's Fallen Brother and the Rise of King Baal”

  1. Thank you Miri, I always appreciate your wisdom, and being able to see what is going on, even before it happens. It means Baal is the King in Latin, with a slightly different spelling. I looked it up on google translate.

  2. Miri thank you for your valued insight as always. You haven’t been wrong about anything yet! Looking forward to part 3!

  3. Excellent stuff Miri...

    I agree with every word, tho feel the high watermark of Piers Morgan's credibility is surely passed by now ?

    He has been a central part of the psyop which has murdered no less than 170k Brits alone, already

  4. I agree Miri. The machinations of the elite seem quite likely to be behind the gradual destruction of our institutions but there is also a general, marked and widespread nervous breakdown engendered by Covid, "Global Warming", war in Ukraine, the cost of living crisis, etc., etc. All contributing to the malaise. Whether this whole scenario was also planned in detail by the elite is an open question.

    “Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd” (Bertrand Russell).Thus we see unconsciously frightened herds of "the end is nigh" eco-protestors gluing their hands to roads*, striking unions, trans activists, righteous kneeling footballers etc., joining together in shows of virtue and effectively denouncing others perceived as outside their herds. Fear and insecurity have big eyes, everything must be blamed on others rather than admit to their own existential fear.

    * Compare the Flagellants, religious zealots of the Middle Ages in mainland Europe, who in response to the fear of war, famine and the plague demonstrated their religious fervor and sought atonement for their sins by vigorously whipping themselves in public displays of virtue and penance. This approach to achieving redemption was most popular during times of crisis.

  5. Nailed it again imo. Great stuff. As the late, great Jordan Maxwell would say 'Everything that happens in politics happens because it was meant to happen.' Thanks for the reminder of RGs scathing performance. He was right on form that night. I only watched to see Ricky. Shame he got jabbed.

  6. Even Ricky Gervais’ scathing comments are part of the roll out. Had they not been they would have been memory holed online.
    Prince Andrew is a whipping boy to protect Charles I think. I think Charles was compromised by the human trafficking/underage r*pe orgs, as are all prominent figures and it’s being held as leverage on Charles to sit down and stay out of the way while the PTBs (and they ain’t him) demolish what is ostensibly “his” country. The UK has to be demolished and diluted because we are a small country who always punched above our weight, a people who were not afraid to fight or to stand up and say sod off to authority and the PTBs cannot allow that anymore. So they destroy our culture, our heritage and our people, inducing ennui at best and self hatred at worst so that no one feels any loyalty to their nation, their church, their community and with the rise of trans ideology and it’s pernicious identitarianisms; even their families. We are all being fragmented into individual slivers of a society, all the better to sweep up and brush away.

  7. he Hammer Family is quite interesting. Likely intergenerational incest and Satanism. It is ancient

    Armand Hammer: The international man of mystery.....

    Arm and hammer and sickle

    Armand's father, Julius, fled Odessa Ukraine in the 1880s for New York and helped found the US communist party.

    -Julius was placed under surveillance by the NYPD for suspicion of making bombs

    -Julius met V.I. Lenin in Germany in 1907
    A 23 yr old Hammer waltzed right into1921 Soviet Russia and set up shop like he owned the place.

    He opened the Armand Hammer pencil factory in 1921 . Which was nationalized in 1930 and renamed the "Sacco and Vanzetti" pencil factory, in a Master troll move by Stalin, until it was demolished in 2007. Hammer, lacked pencil-making know-how, recruited disgruntled German Faber pencil masters and Birmingham engineers.

    -Was Lenin's 'chosen capitalist'
    -Khrushchev told Hammer much later that he first learnt how to write using a Hammer pencil.
    -Partners with Ghislaine Maxwell's father
    -Given a full pardon by President Bush for the only crime he had ever been convicted of; an illegal contribution to Nixon's 1972 campaign
    *He has an impressive list of international list awards which include;
    -The Lenin Order of Friendship Among the People's (only western capitalist to ever receive)
    -US National Arts Medal
    -France's Legion of Honor
    -Italy's Grand Order of Merit
    -Sweden's Royal Order of the Polar Star
    -Austria's Knight Commander Cross
    -Pakistan's Hilal-i-Quaid-Azam Peace Award
    -Israel's Leadership Award
    -Venezuela's Order of Andres Bellos
    -And other high honors rom Mexico, Belgium, Bulgaria and Germany

    Hammer had honorary degrees from 25 Universities
    -God Father to Prince Charles sons
    -Friends with Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (his company Occidental Petroleum operated in Libya for 40 yrs)
    -Had a luxury apartment in Moscow at the height o the cold war
    -Met with Gorbachev in 1985 and flew him to Morocco for a little R&R
    -Got the Gore family Rich

    *Smuggled diamonds, previous metals and Russian art out of Soviet Russia through a shell Pharmaceutical company.

    Was known for violent orgies with blood

    This is infighting, Soviet/Verse Anti Soviet Socialists AND part of a schism between the pseudo war which is an extension of the pseudo pandemic. But their is global fracturing and the Norther Monarchs are kicking the Brits out of club blood line (or trying )

    so much more Armie is the tip of the iceberg ... Intergenerational

  8. Armie is a product of his up bringing

    Lots of evil flow from the Ukraine

    It deserves a book I’m itself

    Wizards with blood magic

    Transferred to London in the 18th century then flowed to the US

  9. I just saw beginning of Piers interview and whilst waiting as Piers is introducing him, Tate is sitting quietly showing pyramid sign with his hands. Once you understand the hand signs, you see so many who are doing them.

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