For a while now, I’ve been getting the odd request to do podcasts / interviews, and I’ve always turned them down out of (quite frankly) unmitigated terror… like most people, I hate any kind of public speaking and so - for someone who’s used to expressing themselves through writing particularly - the thought of public ad hoc conversations that I can’t “rewind and edit” was just far too terrifying to be considered…
However, when I got an interview request from my old friend Sam - one of the first “conspiracy” connections I ever made, nearly ten years ago - I knew I couldn’t keep saying no and needed to start trying to conquer my fear… and here is the result! (I haven’t actually watched it myself - my fear hasn’t elapsed that much - but as I didn’t faint or throw up or start warbling about radiators - something I sometimes do when nervous - I think it went pretty well…)
Sam himself has done some phenomenal work for “the cause”, including as an outspoken journalist for RT (he’s English but lives in Russia) and, more recently, as a scholar and author. See his site for more info.
Hope you like the interview..: (
(Oh and if you’re wondering why I’m wearing full furry regalia in March, it’s because I live in an old stone Yorkshire house and it’s permanently freezing. Since locating here, I have certainly come to understand why that Monty Python sketch selected, of all regions, four Yorkshiremen…)
Please click the below link for full interview:
For further reference, here are some of my articles on subjects discussed in the interview...
Vaccines - a comprehensive overview
Andrew Tate (and a second piece which includes significant detail on Tate)
Getting involved in local politics
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I enjoyed your chat with Sam - thank you. I follow your blogs - thank you.
Like you my focus has been on 'vaxeens' since my brush with death when I was 27 and was diagnosed with ileo-caecal TB. 6 months in hospital and 5 surgical interventions. Later Crohns and more surgery...If you go to the NHS website and then BCG vaccine - you can read side effects and then the 3 serious side effects. I had all 3 and yet it has always been denied.
I am now 76 - no jabz - no masks and relatively healthy - only spinal stenosis and Hashimotos 🥰
I am wide awake and have been since the beginning. When I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2005 I started my research which joined up so many dots. So the people I discovered then served me well in 2020. I have lost friends and made new friends and accept there are some things I can change and many things I cannot.... however I prefer to be prepared for whatever is to come.
There are times when I am fearful... Thank you for reading and keep up the good work.... 🌻
Hi Miri. You done really well. I really enjoyed the interview.
Great interview Miri, thankyou
Thanks Miri. Excellent interview.
As a constructive critique and as your first live podcast you did exceptionally well.
You came over as an ordinary person and not as a professional podcaster which is great.
Also, this was you being interviewed and not you broadcasting.
Not as easy as making a scripted rehearsed podcast.
When it came to subjects that you have researched eg Sunak Tate Freedom Alliance etc your energy and passion shone through.
Should you want to go into making podcasts then keep the simple background as it kept the focus on you.
A different light source may be as sometimes the light was catching your glasses and could not see your eyes.
I know how hard it is as I have only done one and it was an unmitigated disaster so once again you were excellent.
Finally, thank you for introducing Sam Gerrans.
Great interview Miri. A near encapsulation of the whole miserable "Agenda 2030".
I didn't realise you were so young - which is a compliment as by your writing I'd marked you as our as a somewhat later age lady who no-one listens to but are the majority leading this fight. Like me ;0. A wise head on young shoulders indeed. Oh to have more youth in the fight
Never knew of your work until this interview and now I'm absorbed reading your blogs, outstanding. Reminds me of Alan Watt (Cutting Through the Matrix), a voice that tragically vanished by his passing several years ago. I'm an expat living in Asia watching this whole titanic script unfold. As Alan Watt would say let's keep our sanity by understanding and also not falling for heroes.
Well done Miri. You looked in control (no idea how you was feeling inside.) I bet you're glad you took the plunge now. I've just looked on YouTube: 1.7k views! Sam as well being very knowledgeable looks a great interviewer, so maybe he was ideal for your debut. IMO interviewing is a skill in it's own right and being interviewed another skill. If I was you I'd stick to people of his ilk who work with you and can tease out great talking points. I hadn't heard of the guy before but I now will be visiting his site and listening to and reading his work. Conversely there will visitors to his site where the reverse will apply.
Perhaps the only blemish was at times you maybe talked a little fast? Maybe this was down to nervous energy/adrenaline rush but what do I know? I understood all your points perfectly but I'm largely familair with the subject matter. Someone relatively new to the scene possibly not?
Oh and I was expecting a Stokie accent. Not a trace of one.
Absolutely great interview. Inspiring. There are numerous channels that would have you on. Please do more, you'll reach a huge audience and make even more impact than you do already.
Well done. Excellent and full of insights. Your experience of losing friends when the lies kicked in was exactly what happened to my wife and me. Going to my first SITP was a joy. To be able to talk about all the nonsense without being howled down was wonderful. We all came to the conclusion that almost everything we had believed all our lives was a lie. Sort of frightening, but a relief to see through the matrix.
Please continue in your great work. And keep warm...
What an interesting interview Miri and I never knew you were so beautiful!! 😊 I have been reading everything you write for some time, but it was really nice to have some background information on you and how you started Certain things I didn’t know.
You speak so well and obviously very intelligent! Please consider doing more of those with Sam, discussing different topics.
Well done!! Throughly enjoyed it.
You did great, Miri! Very interesting interview!! You should do more interviews and I have subscribed to Sam on Substack.
You talked about puppeteers staging and scripting events. There was a British anthology TV drama series running between 1965 and 1975 called "Thirty-Minute Theatre." Here is an episode from 10th January 1968 which is pertinent to your comment.
Lovely to see you in person. I can vouch how cold it is up North in old houses. Sam is a good interviewer and your debut was very enjoyable. I wonder if anyone noticed you blushing when Sam praised you for your stand up for freedom by putting yourself forward for election in coming local elections? Once again, great interview!
Wonderful interview Miri.
Dave, thanks for that link.
Absolutely great interview Miri! You came across as totally natural and direct. You just relaxed and talked like in a conversation, which is exactly the right way to do it. Couldn't have been better, and what a pleasure to see you in the, albeit digital, flesh!! Good stuff, I hope you do more when the occasion arises. Great to learn about Sam Gerrans too, that's yet another sub, amongst many :/, but Sam comes across every bit as direct and genuine as your fabulous self, so well worth yet another sub!
Very many thanks indeed all for your kind compliments and feedback, much appreciated! Great to hear that people have subbed to Sam's work too.
And to answer those who asked, yes, more podcasts are now in the pipeline. Thanks again 🙂
No probs Aileen,
Here is another cracking video, I think is important to share. The gist is there is no such thing as pathogenic viruses; All pandemics are a lie, from far ago as plagues and leprosy.
You will hear the truth about smallpox and why the immune system is a misnomer. It's explained how it's really a cleansing and restorative system. I personally would use machanism instead of system.
No one would have guessed that was your first podcast! You were fluent and relaxed and there was a lovely absence of "y'know" and "um", which undermine any argument.
James Delingpole says of Sandi Adams that she has a knack of saying the grisly truths about the world in a way that even normies would listen to, because she herself doesn't sound as if she's wearing tin foil. I think the same is true of you.
I'm so glad this is the first of many but you're going to need a PA at this rate to deal with the requests.
You are a great writer but your take on Tate is way off. I would strongly recommend that you read the hadiths, read up apostasy laws and blasphemy laws acrodd the islamic world. You seem to have fallen for the propaganda that Islam is inherently peaceful. The Islamification of Europe has been running at full steam for years now, you are on the doorstep of Dewsbury so you can see it. Tate is there to capture the youth to mainstream Islam. The goal is obliterate the west, or the fall of Edom as the rabbis refer to Europe as. Do they want to keep Islam forever? No, but long enough to accomplish it's goal. Normal Islam vs ISIS is not that simple, the biggest issue with ISIS is the execution without judicial process. ISIS is the psy op that keeps giving. At one point I thought that Islam was the answer and in reality it is truly horrendous. As for "normal muslims" a lot don't go to mosque and the majority are told to learn the quaran in arabic but they don't speak arabic. As for the hadiths? The average muslim has never touched it. It is true that some states with islamic majority don't apply strict interpretations of Islam but that is another point entirely.