War, displacement... and population replacement (?)

Written by: Miri
March 13, 2022

As I further contemplate the preposterous lunatic recklessness that is allowing traumatised foreign strangers to live in your house (please see here for more), something even more troubling has occurred to me.

Much has been made of the astounding hypocrisy of the media-mind-controlled-masses banning their own family from their homes if they are unvaccinated, but enthusiastically welcoming unvaccinated strangers to come and live with them. Most Ukrainians are not vaccinated, and there is no suggestion that they will be expected to be in order to come and live in the UK. The general sentiment from the authorities seems to be, they're in far more imminent danger from war and associated threats of starvation and freezing to death, than from a cold virus, so their vaccination status is of little consequence and they certainly won't require vaccinations to enter the UK.

Conversely, around 80% of the UK's population over the age of 12 is double-vaccinated. Those of us who are not are all too well aware of the real purpose of these injections, and of the fact that countries which have administered them en masse have seen a huge upsurge in excess mortality from cardiac and circulatory disorders (with these conditions largely responsible for the tsunami of premature "sudden deaths" we are now seeing).

Many whistleblowing scientists and doctors have warned that these injections are genocidal bioweapons meant to reduce the population, and that the average life expectancy once an individual has been vaccinated (especially double or triple vaccinated) is around three years.

If this is true, and the ever-increasing epidemic of "sudden deaths" amongst the vaccinated strongly suggests that it is, then the UK is going to see a dramatic population collapse imminently (as military website Deagel predicted would happen between 2020 and 2025).

Concurrently, the country is being flooded with people who are largely not vaccinated and are not under any pressure to be.

Is this scheme therefore being intentionally orchestrated to replace the UK populace once it has been systematically decimated?

A key agenda item of the ruthless social architects behind all this is to destroy the middle classes. The middle classes are overwhelmingly the demographic a) likely to be triple-vaccinated, and b) to virtue signal further by receiving Ukrainian strangers into their homes.

If these middle-class home owners die, will the Ukrainian family they're living with inherit their home by default through squatters' rights?

Because Ukrainians largely can't speak English (only 18% can), they make the "perfect" powerless serfs for the overlords to replace the middle classes with. They will only qualify for the most menial, low-paid work because of the language restrictions (such as being domestic servants for the overlords, and carrying out other low status "grunt work" that the overlords don't want to do themselves), and will, as a consequence of being foreigners who don't speak the language, struggle enormously to familiarise themselves with UK law and their rights, having none of the education and connections middle-class indigenous Britons enjoy.

Basically, if you wanted to annihilate the privileged and powerful middle classes and replace them with a disenfranchised and dependent slave class, this would be a very effective way of doing it.

That Ukrainians are typically socially conservative and very religious, is in line with my predictions that there's going to be a Handmaid's Tale style cultural revolution and that the West is set to become much, much more conservative and restrictive. This revolution will be preceded by "the great reveal", exposing how deceitful and evil our culture really is, and these revelations are something that are now well underway, with The Mail on Sunday effectively "serialising" this next dramatic act on the world stage, as it publishes the first instalment of its major investigative report into:

This week, whether the PCR tests don't really work and were used to create the illusion of a pandemic;

Next week, whether "lockdowns" were really effective or ever based on credible science;

And finally (I don't know this for certain but I think it's a very, very real possibility), that the Covid "vaccines" are anything but 'safe and effective', as the newly-released Pfizer data has now irrefutably confirmed.

This, in my view, is all meticulously scripted and pre-planned to reach a crescendo at some point later this year, when food shortages kick in, when the masses realise just how horrifically they've been deceived and duped, and when mass mayhem, rioting, and complete social meltdown ensue. Ordo ab chao, remember? Order out of chaos. That is the overlords' mantra and they intend to make things as chaotic as possible for their new order - their New World Order - to emerge.

Obviously, nothing is written in stone (well, apart from this current agenda that is literally written in stone as per the Georgia Guidestones...) and this forecast could be wrong, but as usual, the best advice is always to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. We need to be prepared - practically and psychologically - for some very tough times in the near future, so please take full advantage of this reprieve of relative "normality" we have now to prepare yourself for what is likely ahead.

(I find this resource pretty good for suggestions on what preparations might be necessary, and there are lots of others available by researching "prepping".)

As I've said before, I think the most critical preparation you can do is to ensure you have a nearby community of like-minded people (and when I say "nearby", I mean people whose houses you could walk to in an emergency), so if you don't have that yet, now is the time to check out your local Stand In The Park, to join Freedom Alliance or a similar pro-freedom movement that organises real-world events, and to strengthen your local, like-minded community as much as you can.

The old world is dying - it's being killed. But there's a new world on the other side, and if you're here now, and you understand what's happening, that's because you're destined to help build it. Please don't become despondent at the current struggle or the struggle ahead because the process of birth is always painful - but the result is always worth it.

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3 comments on “War, displacement... and population replacement (?)”

  1. Hi Miri,

    I am a Facebook 'friend'. Ordinarily I'd 'message' you but that's not possible. I think your material is brilliant - that is the right word. I've seen your intro about using and sharing your material, so I'm sending this blog to The Light newspaper. I feel a little cheeky doing this but I am doing it for the right reason - to share insightful truth and to spread awareness of your blog. Thw address of your blog will be printed.

  2. […] You will notice retail giants such as Aldi and Morrison's have stated they will employ Ukrainian refugees in large numbers. But how, when these outfits are not suffering a dramatic staff shortage? It's obvious what they will do to fulfil this promise - fire the UK staff and replace them with cheap foreign labour. (There could also be a more sinister reason for needing to quickly replace the UK workforce, as I speculated here.) […]

  3. What will happen to all the children if all their parents die 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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