Putting The Fun in Fundamentalism

Written by: Miri
April 27, 2023
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(For the audio version of this article, please see my YouTube channel.)

"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you," so said inveterate wit, and trailblazer of trouble-causing, Oscar Wilde.

While on the surface, this may seem to be a comment on people's general aversion to uncomfortable truths, and that they need challenging subjects packaged in an appealing way in order to accept them, there's a deeper implication there, too: namely that, those who are skilled at using wit and jokes to get important messages across, are very powerful people. They can communicate and transmit ideas in a much more effective way than the average person, even the average "truth teller", and this makes them a force to be reckoned with - and a very valuable asset for Machiavellian forces to weaponise.

It has been my contention for some time that we are on course for a dramatic cultural revolution, seeing our society swing from the extremities of peak-insanity liberalism we have currently achieved, right back in the other direction. This kind of swing is reasonably common historically, and something very similar happened in the previously secular, Westernised Iran in 1979, where the people rebelled against imported Western "degeneracy", and overthrew the liberalised democratic government, which was then replaced by a harsh theocracy, which is still in place today.

All the signs suggest we in the liberal, secular West are heading down that path also, with ever-more prominent "conservative influencers" calling for a return to traditional, religious values.

However, none of them has been quite so explicit as to state outright that they want full sharia law and their wives in burkas, until now: enter stage left, former Hollywood actor and comedian, Owen Benjamin.

Until last week, I'd never heard of Mr. Benjamin, despite the fact he seems to have developed a reasonable profile as a "conspiracy theorist" over recent years. He is known for pushing boundaries and saying outrageous and offensive things, which have seen his gigs cancelled, and his agency dropping him - but of course, as a comedian, he has the perennial cover - he's just joking! Or is he?

Hence, when I discovered Mr. Benjamin was using his Twitter account to openly praise sharia law and call for full face veils for women (including his own wife), and then shared these comments on my Facebook, others were quick to (understandably) assume that Benjamin was just joking, or at least, exaggerating for comic effect.

However, if you read carefully through his Twitter feed, including his engagement with those who challenge him, it becomes palpably and undeniably obvious: there is absolutely no indication that he is joking... but rather, his bombastic, larger-than-life personality (he stands 6'8" tall, a fact he mentions often), can sort of make it appear like he is - it can give his legitimately terrifying, ultra-authoritarian declarations an air of joviality and light-heartedness that e.g., a stereotypical Muslim cleric would not have.

If a traditional Middle-Eastern imam, elaborately bearded and in full shalwar kameez, started declaring on Twitter that degenerate Westerners needed to embrace full sharia law and drape their wives in face veils, he would not get the slightest ripple of receptivity or response from the target audience (young-ish, liberal-ish, ancestrally Christian Westerners).

Hence, cool, witty Benjamin, with his twinkling blue eyes, American accent, and relatable "one of the guys" bantery style, has been sent in to deliver this message instead.

While I can categorically say, he's not joking in what he says, that does not imply I'm absolutely sure he means it. Remember, he's an actor, who was very established in Hollywood and repped by one of the top agencies. Someone at that level can typically adeptly perform whatever part is handed to them, so, if he is tasked with playing a fulminating, far-right, theocratic tyrant, then that is what he will do, and he will do it well. Interestingly, his Twitter bio reads: "I might be wrong but I'm not lying."

No, he's not lying - but is he acting? As I've detailed before, acting and lying are not the same thing, and a very disproportionately large number of talking heads on the world stage, in mainstream and alt media alike, have a background in the theatrical arts. Donald Trump, for instance, has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Justin Trudeau used to teach drama professionally, and former UK PM Alexander "Boris" Johnson even invented a stage name for fake world stage persona.

So, when these people are dispensing all sorts of stuff and nonsense on the world stage, they're not "lying" - rather, they're performing their craft: inhabiting a character and acting. Please note that "conspiracy theorist" Alex Jones even used the "I was just acting" explanation as a recent defence in court, and he is not the only high-profile personality to do so.

This means that actors are, ultimately, very dangerous individuals, because they can do something most people, excepting for spies and psychopaths, cannot - convincingly portray themselves, over long periods of time, as people they are not.

That's why top Hollywood celebrities are paid such eye-watering sums: I mean, acting in a sitcom (where the 'Friends' stars were paid $1 million each per episode) is hardly curing cancer, yet these performances have such a seminal social impact, that the architects of our fake Truman-Show-style unreality, pay the big bucks to those rare characters who can convincingly spin these illusions and bewitch millions of people.

It is quite clear from the number of high-profile influencers pushing fundamentalist Islam (including, most notably, Andrew Tate), that this is where our society is going next, and it looks to me as if Owen Benjamin is another talking head on the payroll pushing this same narrative.

The difference with Benjamin, though, is how unabashed and unapologetic he is. Tate and co are relatively covert. Tate did not build his following on his Islamism (his "conversion" allegedly being fairly recent), and it is not the sole or primary focus of his efforts (indeed, many followers of Tate are quite surprised when I tell them he is a militant religious fanatic who believes "ISIS are the real Muslims"). Benjamin, however, is upfront and in-your-face. Because the groundwork by people like Tate (and other major influencers like Jordan Peterson) has already been done. The soil has been softened, and now that many millions in the West have been rendered more receptive to the message that we need a return to conservative, traditional, religious values, here is Owen Benjamin declaring it starkly:

"We need full sharia law and all women in veils." (On the pretext that this will stop child abuse, but if anyone can offer one logical reason why and how women would need to cover their heads in order for child abusers to be brought to justice, please do volunteer it.)

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Owen Benjamin @OwenBenjamin get these messages a lot. Most sane people actually agree with me on the sharia thing especially women. If religion can't provide a moral framework to protect the public square and their kids, they will seek one who will. And as the churches continue to become mosques, just... twitter.com/ i/web/status/1... I'm all for "Sharia Light." My wife said she would 100% wear a hijab if it meant executing child predators. Twitter porn addicts don't seem to'

That was always the extreme the "cool young conservative influencers" were pushing for, they just initially dressed it up in more reasonable, palatable terms to make it attractive to the public: just as happens in (probably the most significant cultural predictive programming of the current time) The Handmaid's Tale.

I think that, right now, we in the West are teetering on the brink of a war (albeit a confected racket of a war, as all of them are), the purpose of such a conflict being for the authoritarian, religious East to conquer the degenerate, libertine West, and impose theocracy on us, instead.

I believe the "emergency alerts" recently trialled in the UK are indicative of some kind of major conflict being imminent, and this is confirmed by leaked reports from service personnel, who confirm that they are, essentially, all being warned "something big is coming".

Don't forget that here in the UK, we currently have tens of thousands of military-aged, military-looking young men, primarily from Islamic countries, situated around the country in military bases.

I don't think you need to be a particularly inventive theoriser of conspiracies to see where this is likely all heading.

It is also of great significance to note that traditional British culture is being dismantled, a controlled demolition to make way for "the new", and a sector particularly suffering is the British pub. Licensed premises and breweries are collapsing everywhere, and insiders have warned that the pub sector is at risk of collapsing for good imminently. Meanwhile, pig farming is also severely imperilled, meaning the UK is on course for becoming dry and pork-free - just as Islamic countries are.

Some particularly lazy thinkers want to dismiss all the above as "Islamophobia", but the reality is that Western Muslims are amongst the most disturbed and concerned by what they too can clearly see is coming. Because, look: if the Muslim population at large wanted sharia law and burkas, they would live in countries that have these things, wouldn't they? Most Western Muslims desperately don't want this (many have fled countries that impose such things), especially women. Muslim women, like non-Muslim women, like having rights, such as being able to get an education, work, and choose who they marry. Extremist Islamic regimes don't grant them these rights.

So, please, let's not get caught up in superficial and disingenuous rhetoric about "Islamophobia". Opposing an extremist Islamic caliphate is no more "Islamophobic" than opposing the FLDS cult is "Christophobic". We can oppose extreme and distorted interpretations of doctrines without being "phobic" about anything.

And in reality, I don't think we have the time for any more tedious "...phobia" accusations: we need to confront reality and we need to confront it now, because my strong sense is that there is little time left before war leading to revolution occurs.

I don't think the government tested their "emergency alerts" system to such great fanfare, or are keeping all these military-aged men in accommodation at such great expense, not to put into action these assets very soon. That the "cool young conservative influencers" have stopped hiding behind reasonable, moderate rhetoric, but are increasingly just coming out and saying it - full sharia law and covered women now - strongly indicates to me we are on the precipice of a new very dark pantomime.

Just like the Covid chapter, however, I do not believe this particular performance will be ultimately very long-lived. Many people, including Andrew Tate, have described Islam as "the last religion", the last obstacle stopping the global elites achieving the amorphous, 'Imagine'-style NWO future they desire (no countries, no possessions and no religions). While on the surface, this may seem to be implying that Islam is the one thing that will stop the evil ruling classes achieving their goals, I read it another way - that it's the last thing said social controllers need to get out of the way before they triumph.

So, the entirely planned and coordinated "Islamic takeover" of the West that is currently underway, is ultimately designed to turn people against Islam (in the same way The Handmaid's Tale turned people against Christianity), by taking it to its worst, most oppressive and abusive extremes. This is what is happening in Iran, as after forty years of harsh (often violent) religious repression, many sections of society are starting to push back and demand a return to a more liberalised culture.

So, when Andrew Tate says Islam is the "last" religion, he doesn't mean it as in "the one true religion that will endure", he means it as in, the last surviving member of an otherwise extinct species - large, powerful, religious movements that control whole countries - and that it is therefore earmarked for obliteration itself - but to obliterate it, the social engineers have to turn people vociferously against it - and that is the performance the black magic wizards of the world stage are going to produce for us next: the West as ultra-religious, repressive and intolerant, Islamic caliphate.

I know it sounds fairly fantastical (it does even to me and I'm writing it), but then, think how 2020 would have sounded had anyone described it in the preceding few months. "Crazy, that would never happen, you've been watching too much dystopian TV!" - but remember, these dystopian shows aren't there to entertain us: they're there to entrain us. To prep and programme us - they're literally called "programmes" - for what's coming next.

So, we must always remember, when the fabricated storytelling moves from the TV screen to the world stage that, no matter how "real" it seems, ultimately this is all a cynical mirage staged to manipulate us, and real life - away from screens and social engineers - does always still exist. There's always the option not to buy the ticket for whatever tedious tyranny the overlords try to impose on us, just as we declined to invest in the Covid farce, and just as Truman does in his eponymous show. We too can see the brick wall at the back of the psy-op cinema, switch the auditorium lights back on, and break the illusory spell, exiting stage left back into our real lives.

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