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The Most Dangerous Weapon in The World

By: MiriMay 18, 20228 Comments
So, I rubbed my crystal ball once more, gazed off into the swirling mists of time, and mystically predicted... the […]

What really motivates people (as you may have gathered, it's not reason)

By: MiriApril 9, 20224 Comments
For many of us, one of the greatest, and most frustrating, enigmas of the whole "Covid" episode has been trying […]

The Mutation of Mass Psychosis

By: MiriMarch 18, 20222 Comments
I must confess, I did think after the machinations of total madness that characterised the last two years, that I […]

To open your mind, you need to close the Overton Window

By: MiriFebruary 24, 2022One Comment
The overlords have been conducting a particularly "interesting" (twisted, devious, psychopathic) little psy-op these last few days, whereby they have […]

Callooh, callay, it's a red letter day!

By: MiriFebruary 18, 20223 Comments
Because, like a stopped clock, a monkey with a paint set, or Piers Morgan holding his fat finger up to […]

We can't always "stay safe" but we must now stay strong

By: MiriJanuary 31, 2022One Comment
I've told the story on several occasions of how I "awoke", and it was in 2013, when the university I […]

The final frontier... (?)

By: MiriJanuary 11, 20227 Comments
As we enter year three of the pantomime plague, it does seem that, at long last, the final curtain is […]

Mask formation

By: MiriJanuary 2, 2022No Comments
About four years ago, I was working at a place for which there was no convenient bus route, and so […]

Social Engineering, Actually

By: MiriDecember 23, 2021One Comment
As the festive mood is upon us, I thought I'd take this opportunity to do something (slightly) different. Rest assured, […]

Understanding why you feel ill after your booster isn't rocket science: It's more like tobacco science

By: MiriDecember 21, 20218 Comments
Following yesterday's particularly aggressive state propaganda drive - every single major newspaper, front and back, screaming at the nation to […]




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