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A series on "science" - part two.

By: MiriAugust 18, 2021No Comments
Read part one. What is "science"? What is "a scientist"? As I sit in Wetherspoons, once again, supping upon a […]

A series on "science" - part one.

By: MiriAugust 17, 2021No Comments
In case you didn't know, a new mocking 'joke' about those reluctant to inject experimental mRNA into their muscle tissue […]

Are we really living in the midst of a deadly plague? Part two.

By: MiriAugust 12, 2021One Comment
I wrote a post the other day analysing, based on statistical data and facts, whether we are currently in the […]

Are we really living in the midst of a deadly plague? Part one.

By: MiriAugust 10, 2021One Comment
If you look at world population figures and global death rates over the past ten years, you will see 2020 […]

The Demographics of Democide

By: MiriJuly 29, 2021One Comment
I've always paid close attention to the demographic trends where it comes to vaccination, as these reveal a great deal. […]

Letter to hospital attempting to force PCR test on 95-year-old

By: MiriJuly 23, 2021No Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you in regard to my father, [name], who is scheduled to undergo an urgent […]

'Genius is not a matter of intelligence; it's a matter of character."

By: MiriJuly 22, 20214 Comments
I saw this quote the other day (Einstein?) and it really resonated with me, when trying to make sense of […]

The National Clottery

By: MiriJuly 16, 2021No Comments
Interesting/alarming update from anti-lockdown political party, Freedom Alliance: Quote: "A disturbing development on the website. They are now […]

Letter to care home challenging mask discrimination and testing mandates

By: MiriJuly 3, 2021No Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you regarding visits with my father, [name], who is currently a resident at [name […]

Caring Corrupted

By: MiriJune 21, 2021No Comments
A couple of weeks ago, I happened upon in the press the very strange and sinister story of Ben Field, […]




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