Be careful what you wish for

Written by: Miri
March 18, 2023

"I lost another friend and colleague yesterday. He had a massive heart attack. Mid 40s. Father. His wife is also 22 weeks pregnant. And the MPs won't even listen to @ABridgen. I am so furious and disgusted. Burn this system to the ground. Now. It's not fit for purpose." (Emphasis mine.)

I just read this heart-wrenching post on Twitter, and of course, it's one of many thousands of a similar theme. There now exists nobody in the Western world whose life hasn't been negatively affected, and in many cases irreparably torpedoed, by the injectable bioweapon (I feel quite lucky in that I "only" know of four or five people seriously disabled or killed since the rollout, including one massive heart attack (non-fatal), one case of cardiac tamponade (fatal), one brain haemorrhage (fatal), and one sudden, aggressive cancer (fatal). All of these people had been fit and healthy beforehand).

In the last few weeks, many of the soft-kill slaughterhouses administering these poisons closed their doors permanently, because, now having dispensed over 100 million injections, their job is done.

And that means, now, The Great Reveal - which has been rumbling along in the background for some months now - is really going to hit the mainstream. The damage done by the injections is so immense and so catastrophic that the floodgates are about to burst, and this was always part of the plan. We are witnessing a controlled demolition of our society in real time, and the purpose of this strategised attack is encapsulated in the bolded section of the Tweet above - to rouse such overwhelming anger and acute fury in the populace that no form of justice or vengeance will be good enough except "burning it all to the ground".

Of course, I agree with this sentiment - to call our present regime "corrupt" would be the understatement of the millennium, and current culture is about as deranged, depraved, insane, sick, and evil as it is conceivable for a culture to be (drag queens gyrating in front of babies?), so, yes, certainly, let's do away with it.

The question is, and replace it with what?

We are being skilfully manipulated to howl for justice as the true horrors of the government genocide programme are revealed, in a way that most optimally serves the establishment. We must be fully aware of this so that the legitimate movement demanding justice and accountability, is not hijacked by infiltrating establishment assets tasked with harnessing our anger and redirecting it to their own ends.

As it stands, the establishment is going to try and respond to the cataclysmic problems that they have created, with solutions that are likely to be even worse. Here are a few examples:

We said: The mRNA jabs are bioweapons that have destroyed the lives of millions!

The establishment replies: Yes, you're right. We admit it. The mRNA jabs were a mistake. So, in future, we'll just have more traditional vaccines, which are an exceptionally safe technology and if only everyone had had more of them, maybe we'd never have had a pandemic in the first place [note the film Contagion, upon which the UK government openly admits their pandemic response was based, cautions of the importance of taking annual 'flu jabs to prevent pandemics]. Obviously, you can trust us to dispense other vaccines safely, because if they weren't safe, we'd admit it - just like we did with the mRNA.

Conclusion: Society ends up more heavily vaccinated - and therefore sicker - than ever before.

Further examples of how the establishment will cynically twist our valid and real concerns, might include:

We said: Society has become way too extreme in its liberalism. It's totally degenerate and not safe for kids. Drag shows for babies, wtf?! We need a return to more family-friendly values

The establishment replies: We agree. Liberalism should be scrapped and we should have a cultural revolution, like the 1979 Iranian one, and embrace ultra-conservatism. We need to return to rigid social hierarchies that dramatically limit people's freedom, because too much freedom inevitably descends into chaos. As the predictive programming vehicle, The Handmaid's Tale, stated: "there are two types of freedom. The freedom to, and the freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you're being given freedom from. Don't underrate it."

Conclusion: We are catapulted into an ultra-repressive regime akin to Iran or Afghanistan. All for our safety, of course.

Another example of this kind of devious twisting of legitimate concerns could be:

We said: Communities have collapsed and everyone is isolated and lonely, living hundreds of miles away from family and friends. We need to regenerate local bonds and ensure people have integrated, fulfilling lives where they live instead of networks scattered across the country.

The establishment replies: You're absolutely right. So, we give you, 15-minute cities! It will force a revival of local community life when you're digitally prohibited from going more than a mile from your house, and our cameras and scanners monitor your every move, penalising you if you go "off-district". Of course, almost nobody has family and friends who live within a mile of their home, courtesy of our intensive social engineering campaigns over the last decades to ensure that they don't, but we'll ensure they have plenty of VR and AI to keep them busy.

Conclusion: People end up lonelier than ever and barely leaving the house, so effectively are now in their own individual digital prison, that they pay for.

And one last example (as I think we're getting the idea by now...)

We said: Politics is so corrupt. Voting doesn't make a difference, and MPs are all self-serving psychopaths.

The establishment replies: Yes indeed. The system is broken beyond repair, so let's scrap it. We'll do away with silly antiquated ideas like 'democracy' and return to how it should be - out-and-out dictatorships where an all-powerful elite simply tells you what to do (because they're "experts").

Conclusion: A system that we do actually have a chance to influence is replaced with one where our civic power is completely removed. We are just powerless pawns whose autonomy and personal values are erased.

So in the coming weeks, months, and years it is incumbent on us to be more vigilant than ever and ensure that - although we saw through the hoax of "Covid" - we don't fall into the subsequent baited trap, "the solution".

Remember that the years 2020-2030 have been demarcated as a global ten-year plan to completely remake the world ('The Great Reset'). So, as of March 2023, as it is at the time of writing, we are barely a third of the way through. We must therefore resist the admittedly tantalising temptation to feel righteous and vindicated that "it's all coming out now" and things will change.

Yes, it is all coming out (as it was always intended to, as the modelling exercises on which "the pandemic" was based demonstrated), and yes, things will change (again, always as intended), but the changes the social engineers intend to implement are not ones meant to serve or benefit the people - quite the contrary. However, as ever, they require our consent, so they are attempting to harness, manipulate,and inflame our emotions and justifiable anger, to trick us into complying with their next scheme ("the solution").

Not at any point in memorable history has the establishment been on the side of the people, and it isn't now. It is, nevertheless, a very seasoned, accomplished, and persuasively good actor. So it is imperative we don't fall for the performance, and remember that the emblem of The Fabian Society - one of the most influential and poweful socio-political groups in the UK - is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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12 comments on “Be careful what you wish for”

  1. All sovereign nations are apparently signing up to give the WHO control in case of a pandemic in 2024. Surely the fact that the WHO controlled the disastrous COVID pandemic gives us good reason to challenge them

  2. Given that the WEF has been brazenly open about everything that it plans to do, I think that Bridgen's role is that of messenger boy for the Establishment, who are stating "we know that the gene therapy 'vaccines' have proven harmful to some people to the point of being potentially lethal, you but you will still have to take them for the greater good of public health via disease control". See the Prologue to Aaron Kheriaty's recent book, The New Abnormal, The Rise of the Biomedical Security State, for that of individual sovereignty being sacrificed for the sake of the 'social organism'. The medical profession has always been overwhelmingly and actively supportive of this ideology.

  3. Thank you all for your interesting comments 🙂

    To Michael - thank you and good spot! As you might have guessed, that was the URL it was meant to go to... Now amended.

  4. If these are the orchestrated outcomes, what are your preferred holistic and functional ones?

  5. That first twitter quote reminded me of the symbols of fire and huge flames over Buckingham Palace at the Jubilee Concert last year. It was so blatant but most people wouldn't have noticed it. It was a recurring theme.

  6. Thanks for publishing my previous comment. Two other reasons to question Bridgen's sincerity: Firstly, when discussing the 'vaccine' fatalities he compared to the Holocaust, when there was never any need to, knowing that it would lead to controversy. Secondly and even more of a giveaway, when discussing the WHO Pandemic Treaty, he referenced that it wasn't what Brexit was for, ensuring that the issue would divide along those tribal lines.

    Nearly seven years on from the referendum, in which the majority Leave to majority Remain vote was roughly among people born in 1970, demographic changes would mean an anti-Brexit majority, something of which Bridgen and the Establishment are well aware. If another referendum were held, let's say next year, to Rejoin, those voting to do so would most likely support the EU 'Digital Green Pass' vaccine passport and the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

    With hindsight it now looks like the EU referendum was a divide-and-conquer PsyOp on what has long been one of the most contentious political issues in the UK, pre-dating John Major's signing of the Treaty on European Union in 1992. That PsyOp of seven years ago and the long stasis that followed during which Leave/Remain tribalism increased, being successfully managed by the Behavioural Insights Team (the 'Nudge Unit') to which Cameron had given official status in 2015.

    Be careful what you wish for couldn't be more appropriate for those who demanded the referendum. The entrenched tribal divisions from 2015/16 until the present have made it all the more difficult to build unified opposition to the WEF/WHO agenda. Brexit itself has always been meaningless whilst the UK is tied to those two organisations.

  7. I hear that the last two years flu jabs have been MRNA ones, so not just averagely bad. NHS are traitors. I hope people finally seek alternative therapies, especially the creme de la creme - the one that the establishment love to hate.

  8. Warwick Vegan, I just finished reading Kheriarty's book. Brilliant all the way through, therefore scary AF.

  9. Very interesting article. I agree with you that the democracy is being deliberately trashed to make way for something worse. I do not agree that Andrew Bridgen is some sort of 'Trojan horse'. He is vaccine injured- and is speaking truth to power. The key question for me, is what we do between now and 2030.? I am not sure how we do this, but we need to build alternative structures. I am reminded of my religious studies degree, including 1st century biblical history. The overarching Roman Empire controlling Judah & Israel. The responses were 1) Collaboration in the hope of preserving heritage. Often the Pharisee's & Sadducee. 2) The Zealots who fought a gorilla war against the Romans.3) The Essene's who tried to operate outside of the system, having their own autonomous community. There were also everyday working folks who lived life as best they could. Should be be creating parallel social political economic structures? Would they be tolerated? The main difference between us and the 1st century is the roll of technology. They now have the know how to create a reality of the ancient biblical text of Revelation stating that no one would be able to buy or sell without ' the mark of the beast' on the right hand or forehead. It was an ancient dream of total control, but only now has it become feasible reality. Yes we should resist what is being planned. Yes we need to value honesty & integrety. Yes we need if possible to become less & less dependent on the state. All of that is a necessity. But what too of the spiritual dimension ? Is there a bigger reality that we need to connect with? A greater purpose? I hope so. Thanks for reading! JOhn

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