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Woman Down

By: MiriJune 7, 2022No Comments
Okay, so I know it can be a bit annoying when conspiraquackery descends to the level of "that man is […]

If the 'elite' make something difficult, that means a) they don't want you to do it, and b) you probably should

By: MiriApril 26, 20225 Comments
(Originally published 28/03/22, re-published 27/04 to coincide with local press coverage.) There are many ways one might have chosen to […]

To open your mind, you need to close the Overton Window

By: MiriFebruary 24, 2022One Comment
The overlords have been conducting a particularly "interesting" (twisted, devious, psychopathic) little psy-op these last few days, whereby they have […]

On the news that Canada's Freedom Convoy has had its crowdfunding terminated

By: MiriFebruary 7, 2022No Comments
#GoFundMe is nothing but a devious establishment tool used to choke funding channels for genuine causes, and funnel more money […]

A brief public service announcement...

By: MiriJanuary 18, 2022One Comment
(Originally posted on Facebook) ... The 'public service' in question being, well, me... I've seen several people on Facebook who […]

BOMBSHELL NEW STUDY: Covid jabs 'appear to expose people to an increased mortality'

By: MiriDecember 15, 2021No Comments
Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) have discovered some shocking statistical skulduggery afoot regarding the claim that Covid […]

Rule-breaking ministers are not "hypocrites", they are liars.

By: MiriDecember 6, 2021No Comments
As spluttering outraged mobs take to Twitter to denounce senior members of the UK cabinet for "hypocritically" breaching Covid rules, […]

Far from the masking crowd

By: MiriNovember 30, 2021No Comments
We've had a little break from this particular theme in the current government-mandated madness these last few months, but now […]

Fear we go again...

By: MiriNovember 28, 2021No Comments
So said a surprisingly astute MSM headline yesterday, in response to the news that a super-scary, ninja-mutant "new variant" has […]

If you tear out your enemy's tongue, it doesn't prove them a liar, it just proves you fear what they have to say

By: MiriNovember 20, 2021No Comments
I am currently serving no less than four Facebook bans, running across three accounts, comprised respectively of: *A 30-day ban […]




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