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Letter to general election candidates ahead of July 4th

By: MiriMay 29, 2024No Comments
I have sent the below letter to all the candidates who have thus far declared they will stand in the […]

Open letter to national newspaper re: compulsory vaccines

By: MiriJanuary 23, 2024No Comments
(If you are on Twitter, please share this letter.) Dear Sean O'Grady, Re: Your article for The Independent, 'Want to […]

Open letter to Locala's school-aged immunisation team

By: MiriSeptember 8, 2023No Comments
Dear Locala, We are the founders of the independent health resource, Informed Consent Matters, a resource created as a response […]

(Another) letter to the local council about medical corruption

By: MiriAugust 30, 2023No Comments
Dear Councillors and Officers of Kirklees Council, I am writing to you, on behalf of myself and the co-signatories listed, […]

Open Letter to Andrew Bridgen

By: MiriJune 1, 2023No Comments
(Written 19th May, 2023. For audio version of this letter, please visit my YouTube channel.) Dear Andrew Bridgen MP, Following […]

Letter to Kirklees Council re: Covid-19 Propaganda

By: MiriJanuary 19, 20238 Comments
Two-and-a-half years ago, I sent the below letter to my local council. Their response was profoundly inadequate, and all communications […]

The Latest Pandemime Plot Twist: "Amnesty"

By: MiriNovember 3, 202233 Comments
The big story currently sweeping the cyber saloons which most of us frequent, regards a new grovelling plea, from former […]

Open letter to Piers Morgan and Jeremy Vine

By: MiriOctober 22, 202285 Comments
Dear Mssrs. Morgan and Vine, I would normally commence such a correspondence with the pleasantry, 'I hope this finds you […]

Letter template for GPs, pharmacists and other vaccine providers re: informed consent

By: MiriSeptember 1, 2022One Comment
*** URGENT CALL TO ACTION*** Please copy and paste the below template and email it to your local doctors' surgeries […]

Thou doth protest too much?

By: MiriAugust 18, 20224 Comments
Well, it's been another wild ride these last 24 hours on the Wild West Web, with my having attracted the […]




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