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The Latest Pandemime Plot Twist: "Amnesty"

By: MiriNovember 3, 202233 Comments
The big story currently sweeping the cyber saloons which most of us frequent, regards a new grovelling plea, from former […]

Can Jeremy Vine Sue Me?

By: MiriNovember 2, 20229 Comments
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an open letter to Piers Morgan and Jeremy Vine, asking them to comment […]

There's nothing new under the sun(ak)...

By: MiriOctober 28, 20226 Comments
... Of course, this is mainly because it's the same people pulling the strings and writing the scripts now, as […]

Open letter to Piers Morgan and Jeremy Vine

By: MiriOctober 22, 202285 Comments
Dear Mssrs. Morgan and Vine, I would normally commence such a correspondence with the pleasantry, 'I hope this finds you […]

The Last Election and The Final Turning

By: MiriOctober 17, 202212 Comments
The slapstick comedy of errors that is mainstream British politics took a decidedly darker turn last week, as pantomime dames […]

For a One World Government, you need a One World Mind

By: MiriOctober 14, 202221 Comments
There's been quite the dramatic deluge of plot twists on the world stage these last few days, with the Daily […]

War games or mind games?

By: MiriOctober 10, 2022No Comments
This article was initially published on my website in March 2022, but I recently had to remove it, because it […]

Blast From The Past

By: MiriOctober 9, 202214 Comments
The title of this piece refers to one of my favourite '90s films, starring those then-ubiquitous celluloid staples, Brendan Fraser […]

An open reply to Dr. Aseem Malhotra

By: MiriOctober 8, 202222 Comments
I must say I was rather surprised, as I enjoyed an evening of leisurely sauntering through the cyber saloons of […]

Predictive programming and pickling progress

By: MiriOctober 3, 20227 Comments
I watched a very interesting piece of subversive psychological weaponry masquerading as benign entertainment* (*normal people call it “a film”) […]




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