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Andrew "Cobra" Tate: Another Snake in the Matrix

By: MiriDecember 30, 202224 Comments
Unless you happen to be resident on a particularly remote colony of Mars (and frankly, even they probably have WiFi […]

Why did you decide to speak English?

By: MiriDecember 26, 20227 Comments
You know, out of all the many and magnificent beautiful linguistic structures that adorn the world, why did you pick […]

Q. What's the difference between Nicola Sturgeon and the Taliban?

By: MiriDecember 24, 20226 Comments
A. The Taliban aren't quite crazy enough to cut the bottom half of their front doors off in a bid […]

What The Handmaid's Tale Got Wrong

By: MiriDecember 15, 202229 Comments
As any self-respecting theoriser of conspiracies is aware, nothing that is churned out by the Baal-worshipping behemoth that is Hollywood […]

Slimy politicians love the slippery slope

By: MiriDecember 11, 20227 Comments
On December 7th, 2020, then health secretary, Matt Hancock, formally announced that the Covid vaccine about to make its debut […]

The Fragility of False Freedom

By: MiriDecember 8, 202231 Comments
There is an ongoing argument that often flares up in the cyber saloons of the Wild West Web, regarding "freedom […]

They want to shrink our lives. We must fight to make them bigger

By: MiriDecember 5, 202217 Comments
As the military-grade psychological weaponry known as the mainstream media kicks up its relentless campaign of domestic terrorism to the […]

The King of the (One) World... Or a Return to Personal Sovereignty?

By: MiriDecember 3, 202235 Comments
(This is part three of a three part series, please see parts one and two here.) In the first two […]

The Lyin' King, and other motley modern fables...

By: MiriNovember 29, 202213 Comments
So, Matt Hancock narrowly missed out on being crowned "King of the Jungle", an accolade previously reserved for Simba from […]


By: MiriNovember 28, 202234 Comments
(First published November 2021, republished November 2022 to coincide with Professor Exley's excellent new Highwire interview.) SCIENCE SOLD OUT: How […]




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