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'The Truth Movement' falls out of love

By: MiriNovember 25, 202216 Comments
Cast your mind back, if you will, to the heady days of summer 2020. We've all heard of the famous […]

There's a difference between graft and grift

By: MiriNovember 21, 202211 Comments
I seem to have started an unofficial series of articles in the last few weeks, which could be roughly categorised […]

The Truth Movement Comes of Age

By: MiriNovember 19, 202214 Comments
There's a quote I like that embodies the maturation journey we must all undertake in life, which goes: "the opposite […]

Ritual mockery and the Emperor's New Heartthrob

By: MiriNovember 16, 202211 Comments
Ladies, imagine, if you will, that you are relaxing after a long day, flicking through the pages of your favourite […]

They are not our "Friends"

By: MiriNovember 11, 202214 Comments
You may have noticed that, recently, the two most popular actors from the phenomenally successful "Friends" series, Jennifer Aniston and […]

On "free thinking" and the line in the sand

By: MiriNovember 8, 202218 Comments
Yesterday, I composed an article regarding my thoughts on viral theory. Like everything I write, the article was provocative, controversial, […]

The Emperor's New Virus: How The Virus Myth Became A Viral Contagion

By: MiriNovember 7, 202239 Comments
"We don't catch diseases. We build them." - Antoine Bechamp Every time I opine on the subject of the pretend […]

The Lunatics are Running The Asylum

By: MiriNovember 5, 202219 Comments
"Council LOSES High Court fight to bar asylum seekers from North Stafford hotel!" Blares the headline in the Stoke Sentinel, […]

Are Viruses Contagious?

By: MiriNovember 4, 20226 Comments
(I am often asked my opinion on this subject, so I am republishing this from August 2021...) This comes up […]

The Latest Pandemime Plot Twist: "Amnesty"

By: MiriNovember 3, 202233 Comments
The big story currently sweeping the cyber saloons which most of us frequent, regards a new grovelling plea, from former […]




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