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Reasons To Be Cheerful

By: MiriAugust 21, 202213 Comments
This may seem a rather improbable title for a blog at this particular juncture in human history, whilst we descend […]

Thou doth protest too much?

By: MiriAugust 18, 20224 Comments
Well, it's been another wild ride these last 24 hours on the Wild West Web, with my having attracted the […]

No good deed goes unpunished

By: MiriAugust 17, 202210 Comments
At about midnight last night, just as I was about to go to bed after a long day mainly taken […]

Youthful Cynicism Masquerading As Wisdom

By: MiriAugust 8, 20225 Comments
Having just been accused of this on Facebook, on the day my latest ban finally expires - welcome back to […]

Open letter to CEO of Twitter, Parag Agrawal

By: MiriAugust 5, 20228 Comments
Dear Parag, I am writing to you in your capacity as the CEO of Twitter, regarding my recent summary dismissal […]

These propagandists need shooting...

By: MiriJuly 17, 20223 Comments
...with the "booster" they're so fanatically trying to force on everyone else. With the news confirmed on Friday that the […]

The Age of Informed Consent

By: MiriJuly 15, 20223 Comments
With some considerable pomp and ceremony (or the internet equivalent thereof - a string of emojis 🥳🎉🍾), I am absolutely […]

Winning The Information War

By: MiriJuly 6, 20222 Comments
With weary predictability, "Covid" is back in the headlines (look, evil overlords, have you got unpaid interns doing your screenwriting […]

The Good, The Bad, and The Gutter

By: MiriJuly 3, 202218 Comments
An exclusive investigation into what - and who - is really driving the relentless smear campaigns directed at those who […]

Maybe David Icke had a point about the reptiles... There are spitting cobras everywhere!

By: MiriJune 28, 20225 Comments
"You're an absolute paranoid and deranged lunatic." "Scrolling through your timeline makes me even more in favour of abortion." [When […]




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