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Quiet weapons for cold wars

By: MiriSeptember 20, 2021No Comments
Good afternoon, fellow conspiraquacks and hallowed hate-fans, I hope you are well.I have spent the last few days not being, […]

Don't let convicted criminals inject things into your children

By: MiriSeptember 16, 2021No Comments
Parents generally put a lot of time and thought into deciding who to entrust with their children's welfare. They conscientiously […]

Diversity or diversion?

By: MiriSeptember 14, 2021No Comments
An interesting discussion sprung out of my nutrition post yesterday, on the subject of "neurodiversity", a wildly contentious subject highly […]

Are you mad or malnourished?

By: MiriSeptember 12, 2021No Comments
After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as "mental illness": there is […]

Cracks (and quacks) are how the light gets in

By: MiriSeptember 10, 2021No Comments
I spend a lot of time thinking about - as I'm sure the overlords do too - what ultimately causes […]

Reality lights

By: MiriSeptember 6, 2021No Comments
A highly Satanic belief, beloved of the overlords and drip-fed to the masses via various "new age" philosophies, is that […]

Letter to Royal College of Ophthalmologists re: coercive COVID testing of children

By: MiriAugust 31, 2021No Comments
Dear Royal College, I am writing to you as a lifelong sufferer of hereditary progressive arthro-ophthalmopathy, a condition that has been […]

Open letter to mainstream newspaper editors and journalists re: COVID-19

By: MiriAugust 25, 2021One Comment
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you as a concerned citizen regarding your pivotal role in informing the nation, and […]

Anti-vax or antibody?

By: MiriAugust 20, 2021No Comments
I try to stay away from 'community groups' and news comments sections as much as possible, because my "enraged-o-meter" just […]

A series on "science" - part two.

By: MiriAugust 18, 2021No Comments
Read part one. What is "science"? What is "a scientist"? As I sit in Wetherspoons, once again, supping upon a […]




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