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School ties

By: MiriNovember 4, 2021No Comments
There was a very revealing incident yesterday on one of my posts, which gave some profoundly valuable insight into the […]

The Politics of Pantomime Plagues

By: MiriOctober 31, 2021One Comment
I often think fondly of my hate-fans, as they increasingly irately refresh my page (in between booster shots and sanitiser […]

'Run' for your life

By: MiriOctober 29, 20212 Comments
I had a rather chilling experience last night when I was briefly trying to escape all the madness by watching […]

On press reports that "ministers are threatening to reimpose Covid restrictions"

By: MiriOctober 21, 2021No Comments
Here we go again.... Obviously, this is no surprise to the crazed conspiraquacks amongst us, who knew from Act I […]

Abuse has no gender - unless you're a mainstream media editor

By: MiriOctober 16, 2021No Comments
I think it's fair to say that I don't shy away from contentious subjects, but I knew when I decided […]

Taking the 'me' out of the media

By: MiriOctober 11, 2021No Comments
It often elicits a wry chuckle when I divulge to others - somewhat reluctantly, admittedly - that I took Media […]

"Hats, flats, and complete and utter tw@!s" - a memory...

By: MiriOctober 10, 2021No Comments
Facebook's memory feature reminded me this morning that, two years ago to the day, I posted the below. Eerily prescient […]


By: MiriSeptember 29, 2021No Comments
So as I sit here this fine Sunday afternoon and rub my crystal ball (and also, slightly, my head, see […]

The cult and the catfish

By: MiriSeptember 26, 2021No Comments
In the last few weeks, I've detected a definite sea-change in the attitude of those who have obediently bought the […]

Quiet weapons for cold wars

By: MiriSeptember 20, 2021No Comments
Good afternoon, fellow conspiraquacks and hallowed hate-fans, I hope you are well.I have spent the last few days not being, […]




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