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The Latest Pandemime Plot Twist: "Amnesty"

By: MiriNovember 3, 202233 Comments
The big story currently sweeping the cyber saloons which most of us frequent, regards a new grovelling plea, from former […]

Farming is an art, culling is a science

By: MiriSeptember 25, 202226 Comments
A comment I often get from the more open-minded normies - 'ormies', as I will affectionately call them - is, […]

Reasons To Be Cheerful

By: MiriAugust 21, 202213 Comments
This may seem a rather improbable title for a blog at this particular juncture in human history, whilst we descend […]

The unscrupulous euphemism of 'managed decline'

By: MiriFebruary 15, 2022One Comment
It was my birthday yesterday (thank you for all the well wishes, which warmed the cockles of my heart - […]

Rule-breaking ministers are not "hypocrites", they are liars.

By: MiriDecember 6, 2021No Comments
As spluttering outraged mobs take to Twitter to denounce senior members of the UK cabinet for "hypocritically" breaching Covid rules, […]

Quiet weapons for cold wars

By: MiriSeptember 20, 2021No Comments
Good afternoon, fellow conspiraquacks and hallowed hate-fans, I hope you are well.I have spent the last few days not being, […]

Reply to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists re: forced Covid testing of children

By: MiriSeptember 15, 2021No Comments
Original letter here Dear [name], Many thanks for your reply.  It has become common practice throughout the NHS for patients […]

A modest victory - update on the little boy needing cataract surgery

By: MiriJuly 6, 2021No Comments
After receiving the follow-up letter on Friday (please see here:, the hospital replied that same day to confirm surgery […]

Evil is always after the children

By: MiriJuly 2, 2021One Comment
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a letter for a parent whose young son, a cancer survivor, needed cataract […]

Caring Corrupted

By: MiriJune 21, 2021No Comments
A couple of weeks ago, I happened upon in the press the very strange and sinister story of Ben Field, […]




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