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Matt 'n' Mike's Jungle Bungle

By: MiriNovember 13, 202217 Comments
I have been asked by a few people to share my thoughts on perhaps the craziest, most incredulous, unlikely, and […]

They are not our "Friends"

By: MiriNovember 11, 202214 Comments
You may have noticed that, recently, the two most popular actors from the phenomenally successful "Friends" series, Jennifer Aniston and […]

The Emperor's New Virus: How The Virus Myth Became A Viral Contagion

By: MiriNovember 7, 202239 Comments
"We don't catch diseases. We build them." - Antoine Bechamp Every time I opine on the subject of the pretend […]

The Latest Pandemime Plot Twist: "Amnesty"

By: MiriNovember 3, 202233 Comments
The big story currently sweeping the cyber saloons which most of us frequent, regards a new grovelling plea, from former […]

Press conference analysis: Dr. Malhotra calls for immediate suspension of Covid vaccines

By: MiriSeptember 27, 202218 Comments
Earlier today, top UK cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, took part in a press conference, where he shared his new research […]

This isn't the end (though may temporarily resemble it)

By: MiriAugust 29, 20228 Comments
"Don't ask any questions, just close your computer and follow me when I leave." You'd be pretty alarmed to get […]

Letter to my old primary school that is publicly propagandising children re: vaccines

By: MiriAugust 16, 20225 Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you as both a concerned former pupil of St. John’s CE Primary School (Quarry […]

Woman Down

By: MiriJune 7, 2022No Comments
Okay, so I know it can be a bit annoying when conspiraquackery descends to the level of "that man is […]

The Mutation of Mass Psychosis

By: MiriMarch 18, 20222 Comments
I must confess, I did think after the machinations of total madness that characterised the last two years, that I […]

Duper's delight

By: MiriDecember 8, 2021No Comments
Since I wrote my piece on Monday, regarding the rule-breaking revelry of partying politicians, astonishing new footage has emerged, featuring […]




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