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If you tear out your enemy's tongue, it doesn't prove them a liar, it just proves you fear what they have to say

By: MiriNovember 20, 2021No Comments
I am currently serving no less than four Facebook bans, running across three accounts, comprised respectively of: *A 30-day ban […]

Taking the 'me' out of the media

By: MiriOctober 11, 2021No Comments
It often elicits a wry chuckle when I divulge to others - somewhat reluctantly, admittedly - that I took Media […]

The cult and the catfish

By: MiriSeptember 26, 2021No Comments
In the last few weeks, I've detected a definite sea-change in the attitude of those who have obediently bought the […]

Quiet weapons for cold wars

By: MiriSeptember 20, 2021No Comments
Good afternoon, fellow conspiraquacks and hallowed hate-fans, I hope you are well.I have spent the last few days not being, […]

Reality lights

By: MiriSeptember 6, 2021No Comments
A highly Satanic belief, beloved of the overlords and drip-fed to the masses via various "new age" philosophies, is that […]

We Can Cope (and we must)

By: MiriSeptember 3, 2021No Comments
When my grandfather was in his mid-twenties, he was nearly murdered at the Katyn massacre. His brother was. My grandfather […]

The National Clottery

By: MiriJuly 16, 2021No Comments
Interesting/alarming update from anti-lockdown political party, Freedom Alliance: Quote: "A disturbing development on the website. They are now […]


By: MiriJune 26, 2021No Comments
Or, let me rephrase that - if he is, it's not with an age-appropriate adult female. At the highest levels […]

Caring Corrupted

By: MiriJune 21, 2021No Comments
A couple of weeks ago, I happened upon in the press the very strange and sinister story of Ben Field, […]

Netflix and Kill

By: MiriMay 25, 2021No Comments
An interestingly revealing headline here. A proponent of vaccines, who sits on the board of a pharmaceutical company (so, no […]




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