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Jack of all... or mastered puppet?

By: MiriAugust 3, 20229 Comments
I've mentioned before that, as a consummate conspiraquack, I naturally take a keen interest in astrology, and I have learned […]

The Age of Informed Consent

By: MiriJuly 15, 20223 Comments
With some considerable pomp and ceremony (or the internet equivalent thereof - a string of emojis 🥳🎉🍾), I am absolutely […]

Winning The Information War

By: MiriJuly 6, 20222 Comments
With weary predictability, "Covid" is back in the headlines (look, evil overlords, have you got unpaid interns doing your screenwriting […]

An Inconceivable Truth

By: MiriJune 25, 202215 Comments
I knew something was awry on the world stage when The Independent declared yesterday, with its usual subtle finesse and […]

Modern life isn't real - it's created by the media

By: MiriJune 19, 20224 Comments
One of the most valuable lessons I ever learned about how the world really works, was in 2019, when I […]

The Case Against, 'The Case Against The Sexual Revolution' - A Critical Review

By: MiriJune 11, 20224 Comments
As I recently mentioned with some ceremony (well - a Facebook post with a picture), I last week received - […]

"Entice the enemy with bait, feign disorder, and crush him."

By: MiriMay 21, 20229 Comments
The title of this piece is a quote from The Art of War, a Chinese military treatise said to have […]

The Most Dangerous Weapon in The World

By: MiriMay 18, 20228 Comments
So, I rubbed my crystal ball once more, gazed off into the swirling mists of time, and mystically predicted... the […]

What really motivates people (as you may have gathered, it's not reason)

By: MiriApril 9, 20224 Comments
For many of us, one of the greatest, and most frustrating, enigmas of the whole "Covid" episode has been trying […]

The Mutation of Mass Psychosis

By: MiriMarch 18, 20222 Comments
I must confess, I did think after the machinations of total madness that characterised the last two years, that I […]




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