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Duper's delight

By: MiriDecember 8, 2021No Comments
Since I wrote my piece on Monday, regarding the rule-breaking revelry of partying politicians, astonishing new footage has emerged, featuring […]

Rule-breaking ministers are not "hypocrites", they are liars.

By: MiriDecember 6, 2021No Comments
As spluttering outraged mobs take to Twitter to denounce senior members of the UK cabinet for "hypocritically" breaching Covid rules, […]

Covid for Christmas...

By: MiriDecember 5, 2021One Comment
...... And the next Christmas, and the next, and the next, and the next, according to 'the experts'. In fact, […]

Far from the masking crowd

By: MiriNovember 30, 2021No Comments
We've had a little break from this particular theme in the current government-mandated madness these last few months, but now […]

Fear we go again...

By: MiriNovember 28, 2021No Comments
So said a surprisingly astute MSM headline yesterday, in response to the news that a super-scary, ninja-mutant "new variant" has […]

"The solution isn't to try and think more carefully. It's to trust the experts."

By: MiriNovember 23, 20212 Comments
So sternly declared the New York Times in Act I of the pantomime plague, and I rather think this has become […]

In the darkness you can go to sleep... or light a candle.

By: MiriNovember 21, 20215 Comments
I read another profoundly preposterous piece of propaganda in the papers today, this article, which is entitled 'Has third jab […]

If you tear out your enemy's tongue, it doesn't prove them a liar, it just proves you fear what they have to say

By: MiriNovember 20, 2021No Comments
I am currently serving no less than four Facebook bans, running across three accounts, comprised respectively of: *A 30-day ban […]

Taking the 'me' out of the media

By: MiriOctober 11, 2021No Comments
It often elicits a wry chuckle when I divulge to others - somewhat reluctantly, admittedly - that I took Media […]

The cult and the catfish

By: MiriSeptember 26, 2021No Comments
In the last few weeks, I've detected a definite sea-change in the attitude of those who have obediently bought the […]




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