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A handy guide to new plagues, Queen raves, and underground caves: You are here...

By: MiriMay 31, 20222 Comments
As this week marks a seminal occasion in British history, I thought it was time to take a moment to […]

Guilty Ghislaine and the Plagued Princes

By: MiriDecember 30, 20216 Comments
So, Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty, and all the headlines and talking heads are predicting she will begin naming […]

The Panto Plague in 2 Pictures

By: MiriDecember 17, 2021One Comment
I still have a lot of normie friends on my Facebook page, from back in the olden days when I […]

The Politics of Pantomime Plagues

By: MiriOctober 31, 2021One Comment
I often think fondly of my hate-fans, as they increasingly irately refresh my page (in between booster shots and sanitiser […]

Are we really living in the midst of a deadly plague? Part two.

By: MiriAugust 12, 2021One Comment
I wrote a post the other day analysing, based on statistical data and facts, whether we are currently in the […]

Are we really living in the midst of a deadly plague? Part one.

By: MiriAugust 10, 2021One Comment
If you look at world population figures and global death rates over the past ten years, you will see 2020 […]

Smoke and Mirrors

By: MiriSeptember 4, 2024No Comments
The tap water is poisoned. Our cookware is riddled with hazardous chemicals. Foods are suffused with health-decimating pesticides. Even the […]

"Entice the enemy with bait, feign disorder, then crush him."

By: MiriAugust 23, 2024No Comments
Just over two years ago, the last time the overlords tried to make monkeypox happen, I wrote the below, regarding […]

THROWBACK THURSDAY: The Formidable Force of Fear

By: MiriAugust 7, 2024No Comments
(Yes, I know it's Wednesday, but I like to be ahead of the curve...) Facebook just reminded me of the […]

Old-school psy-ops and spurious soundbites...

By: MiriJuly 7, 2024No Comments
Whenever I ask people, as I often do, what "government school" they went to, I get a funny look. "What?" […]
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